Dream Space



Powered by A Heartful of Dreams & a Skyful of Love


DREAMS & IMAGINATION. The “Dream Space” card is, of course, a card about dreams and imagination. It is about tapping into the power of “what if?” and the colorful worlds that we are able to create and experience if we allow our inner child to come out and play. If you get the Dream Space card in a reading, allow your imagination to run wild to explore possibilities and different perspective. Allow the future to open up to you as you reach for your visions and aspirations. This card is also a good card to get if you are an artist or creative - let your dreams come alive onto whatever medium you are working with, and unleash your imagination to express yourself fully!

TRUST & OPENNESS. You need an open mind and an open heart to dream. Coax and quiet your fears (basically, tell them to shut up!) so you can expand your vision in peace and excitement. The seeds of your dreams can only take root if you nurture them with trust and allow them to grow. Therefore, trust that the Universe has heard your prayers and is working 24/7 to help you manifest your wildest dreams and intentions. Open yourself up to possibilities and remain open to receive the blessings of the Universe.

ACTION & MANIFESTATION. Dreams become reality when they are coupled with action. Got a project you’ve been mulling over but haven’t started yet? Been wanting to try something new but you’re nervous to take the first step? Dreams are like unicorns. They are magical, powerful creatures with incredible mobility and momentum - but if you don’t take the reins and lead the ride, the unicorns will never have an opportunity to showcase their power and help you create the reality that you want. So begin the journey. Take that first step, or continue to take steps. Your dreams are valid. Don’t give up. Keep holding space and cultivating space for your dreams - they will be in real-time space-time before you even know.

POTENTIAL, GROWTH & EXPANSION. Let your dreams lead you. Let your desires lead you. Let your joy lead you. Let your heart lead you and guide you to create what you need so your “reality space” becomes a “dream space”. Don’t doubt yourself - there is nothing that you can’t solve. The only way that you’ll fail is if you don’t try. If you’re always moving forward, always solving problems, always becoming better and leveling up - how can you not be successful? That defies the rules of reality. There is no way that you will fail. Your dreams WILL come true. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams and your vision!!! Meet the Universe halfway by fearlessly charging towards your greatest joy!!!


DAYDREAMING & ILLUSION. When reality is harsh and hard - when we can’t face ourselves or when we are unable to confront our deepest fears or limiting beliefs - we retreat into an imaginary world where we feed ourselves illusions and lies about who we are and who we ought to be, or we get lost in fantasies in our heads, drifting off into “dream space”, aimlessly going somewhere but actually going nowhere. If this card falls in reverse or is in its shadow aspects - consider how you’ve been avoiding your problems or your feelings with daydreaming or escapist activities.

LIMITING BELIEFS & LACK CONSCIOUSNESS. You don’t believe your dreams will work. You don’t believe that you’re good enough. You don’t think it’s possible. If YOU think it’s impossible, then it will never be possible. How could it be possible if you, the dreamer, aren’t even willing to dream? How can it ever become a reality when you don’t even dare to consider it? Consider how your limiting beliefs are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself. Consider what (or who!) is stopping you from even considering the possibility of something. Let go of those limiting beliefs so you can start dreaming, start believing, and start manifesting!

INGRATITUDE. Sometimes, we drift too far into our dreams and we forget to appreciate the things that we already have. Are you being an ungrateful turd - uh, I mean, sorry - having ungrateful moments, rants or entitled sentiments? Are you complaining about things never working out the way you want, forgetting to celebrate and acknowledge the things you already have? Ingratitude is hardcore dream-killers because if you think you lack something severely, there’s no way you will ever have more. I mean, you don’t even think you have more - so why would you ever have more?

TOXIC PEOPLE NEED TO SHUT UP. You know who those people are. Those judgmental, critical, and doubtful people that like to take a piss on your bright ideas and your dreams of a better future. Whatever their reasons may be, you need to set some boundaries to protect your Dream Space. It’s your space - how dare they? It’s their problem if they want to crap all over their own manifesting garden but why should YOU take on their crap as well? I am going to quote Lisa Nichols - “Don’t be mad at them. Love them - pray for them. They can only love you to the extent that they love themselves.” They are going through stuff - fine. But don’t let them touch yours.