The Tarot Spread
Machine Course
creative spread crafting to level up your tarot readings
why create spreads when you could just find one on google?
It’s true…spread crafting isn’t really a mandatory skill when it comes to leveling up your tarot practice - after all, there are plenty of spread layouts you can find on the internet, and there’s even a nifty oracle deck out there designed to make spread crafting super easy (heads up, it’s my deck 😂) Heck, you don’t even need a spread to get an effective tarot reading done. A lot of readers don’t require spreads to figure out what the message is.
So why bother creating spread layouts from scratch? Well, first of all, if you’re not going to change your mind about it being a bother, then this course probably isn’t for you!
However, if you are looking to explore spread creation as an intuitive creative playground and a way to consciously design a reading experience for yourself or others…then this course has a lot to offer you!
More than just “laying down cards”…
Creating a spread is so much more than just laying down cards and giving them positions so they become a spread. Here are just a few ways spread creation can really spice up and even deepen your tarot practice…
⚙️…you get to your answers quicker during a tarot reading because you’ve carefully crafted the spread positions to answer your most pressing questions
⚙️…you get to design a reading that helps you approach a question holistically before you even start shuffling (e.g. if you tend to be overly critical of yourself, you can include mandatory “self-love” positions to balance your perspectives)
⚙️…you can create fun, dynamic and themed spreads about your favourite topics whenever you feel like it! Can’t find a suitable DND or Sailor Moon-themed spread on the internet that lights you up? Well, you’ll have the tools to make one for yourself with this course!
⚙️…and if you read professionally, you can deliver a highly individualized reading that impacts your clients by customizing a spread that taps into your unique wisdom as a reader as well as the heart of your client’s inquiry
⚙️…or, if you are an deck creator, you can create original spreads that further communicates the creative visions you have for your deck, and at the same time teaches deck users how to get deeper messages with your deck!
…pretty awesome, right? Keep reading to find out what’s in the course!
⚙️ 6 CHAPTERS of hands-on spread-crafting walkthroughs that will teach you how to modify & transform a spread, create a spread from scratch (the 4-Step Spread Creation Process), and add fun themed elements to your spread to make them unique and “yours”!
⚙️ ACTIVITIES, EXERCISES & PROMPTS to help you practice and level up your spread crafting skills
⚙️ LOTS OF FUN EXAMPLES to inspire you and show you all the possible spread magic you can make!
⚙️ STUDY MATERIALS like worksheets, notetakers, checklists and cheat sheets to mega-boost your creative process so you can make awesome spreads to show off in no time! 😉
⚙️ INSTANT + LIFETIME ACCESS! This course will be your forever companion and you can come back to reference it anytime. This means you get all the course updates as well!
⚙️ Videos + colorful course slides for each lesson (and by color I mean adorable and soothing pastels haha)
create magical spreads that only you can make!
Tarot Pro’s Quest
This concise + jampacked chapter will take your professional tarot practice to the next level. The Tarot Pro’s Quest will guide you to…
⚙️...analyze and identify your client’s real question when they come to you with a situation
⚙️...create customized spreads for your clients that communicate your vision for them as a guide while addressing their specific needs
⚙️...create spread templates that turn into unique tarot offerings that clearly communicate your values and expertise + set you apart from other readers
Deck Creator’s Quest
Want more than a basic past-present-future and the Celtic Cross in your Little White Book? The Deck Creator’s Quest will guide you to…
⚙️...create original spreads to help your deck users explore your unique creative visions and messages for the deck
⚙️...create spreads that highlight the core values of your deck (e.g. a spread about transformation and metamorphosis in your butterfly themed deck)
⚙️...create spreads that explores the symbols and motifs of your deck so your deck users can gain a deeper understanding and appreciate of your creation