The Tarot Rap: The Fool's Journey

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So I wrote a tarot rap. And rapped it.

Woooooot! It was a flash of creative whim, really. This song showed up at my door and found me. Now, I'm not a rapper and this is like my first rap ever (excluding the silly panda rap that I made yeeeeears ago), so I can't say that my rapping is of badass quality (but I am proud of these lyrics, though!) Anyway. It was tremendously fun and I had a blast creating it. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did making it. Something fresh from the tarot-sphere. ;)


Also, if you're a rapper or you have experience rapping, please, PLEASE cover this because it will be super cool to hear someone rap this--someone who can actually rap haha.


[The Fool] This is a story about The Fool

his journey through the Majors fantastical adventure

some people say he don’t know any better

but this calling he can’t miss no matter what the weather

His soul pure and light as a feather

the type of guy who always go “never say never”

he steps off the cliff, to the white dog’s terror

this leap of faith, a moment of forever

[Magician] Now the first guy he meets, is a man of many magic

master, shaper, elemental bender

as above, so below, a walking classic

unleash the god within: your power, galactic

[High Priestess] Close your eyes, tap into your intuition

you are what you are, bring those inner wisdom up, for a start

a spiraling riddle, send you straight down the middle to your heart

your spirit’s a-giggle, your head’s a-tingle , woo-woo bingo

[Empress] Oh hello Earth Mother, oh don’t know where to start

breathless, her beauty, her eternal love

the divine feminine, all grace and nurture

she sees you, adores you, your laugh is her treasure

[Emperor] Long live the King bow down to his power

this game of thrones is not for wallflowers

leader of this order, protector of the realm

nothing gets past his watch, both hands on the helm

[Hierophant] Time to get schooled, a supreme education

Knowledge is power, no matter what the situation

doesn’t take much, become sophisticated person

All you have to do: look, shut up and listen

[Lovers] Shh who says you’re in this all alone

you’re perfect, complete down to your bones

the yin and the yang, the spirit’s back bone

choose freely. It is known you’re in the zone

[Chariot] Go speed.  Courage. Adrenaline. Momentum.

a live Kryptonian, sing the song, I’m victorious

strong and fierce this cannot be stopped

Imma ride this chariot to the top like a boss

[Strength] Boom. Crash. You don’t know what happened

your face in the ground, in the jaws of a lion

but the beast is not your enemy, there’s no remedy

it’s you vs you, shine bright it’s your destiny

[Hermit] Look down dig deep find the strength that is yours

don’t have to worry you’re safe and secure

you’ll rise with the solitude in this altitude

you’ll find the truth in multitude, a brand new attitude

[Wheel of Fortune] The wheel spins up and down, round and around

your heart keeps pounding, BOOM BOOM POW

you could be winning or losing, the clock will still be ticking

change ain’t stopping so you better keep on walking

[Justice] Win some lose some, karma is fair

don’t be rolling your eyes, chewing gum like you don’t care

fate is not your enemy; it’s your responsibility

what goes around comes around, show some humility

[Hanged Man] Upside down you are naked from the inside and out

suspended in mid air, look around, there is no way out

all eyes on you grow a second skin

when this is over you’ll know who you’ve been

[Death] Fire and ashes, you’re inside a cocoon

when you take your last breath only death is true

this metamorphosis and photosynthesis

close that chapter behind you, fear is your only nemesis

[Temperance] Coming back, flowing right, this place has no end

the clock has no hands; space-time is your friend

close your eyes, phew, take a big deep breath

you’re rooted in earth, into the sky you extend

[Devil] Darkness seeping in monsters in the closet

you’re still holding on, like photos in your locket

watch your back when you sleep, black sheep you’ll be counting

cheap tricks, crawling creeps, the thunders a-sounding

[Tower] This is the end; release the tension

dysfunction, eruption, total corruption

should be no surprise, deconstructing high rise, delayed repercussion

the tower falls it’s the ultimate destruction

[Star] When the storm ceases, whispering soft breezes

the stars come out, smoothing your spirit’s creases

they sing you their lullaby, all your pain, passerby

sleep in their gentle starlight and Let your dreams fly

[Moon] Smoke and mirrors, daydreams and nightmares

pale ghosts with stories so pretty and fair

honour the cycle, feed light to the crystal

return those secrets the veil and nothing is final

[Sun] Here’s to another day, shiny and brand new

laugh like a child , free yourself with the truth

in the sweet bright light, this pleasure has no error

live, laugh, love, come clean, life is tender

[Judgement] Oh here comes the angels, divine timing just right

synchronicity, 11:11, show me a sign

this is where I’m meant to be, where I need to be

see the angels next to me, took me so long to find me

[The World] Joy to the world your time has come

here you are, your existence no longer subpar

is this immortality, break causality

on top of the world, I’m forever complete


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