So tired of the businessy-side of business. I need more MAAAAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!! ✨


Say whaaaaaaaa?? 


Oh yes, (literally) everything is on sale, from now to Sept 24th. 


Long story short - I'm moving from one fulfilment centre to another. To do that, I need to move my ENTIRE inventory…so I thought I'd run a huge sale to help lighten the load a little! 🙌


If you've been wanting to pick up a copy of Align: Heart Affirmations Oracle…there are only 9 copies left (as I type this e-mail) before it is out of stock! You can also adopt the entire Panda Family for 25% off, and/or Spread Crafter's Oracle: Full Throttle for 40% off!! (As always, if you're in the US, it's FREE SHIPPING for orders that are $100 and more!) 


If you're in the EU or UK, please shop via my Etsy storefront :) 


Don't worry - Align: Heart Affirmations Oracle is coming back and won't be out of stock forever, but I have no idea when! I got a lot on my panda plate at the moment 💀 and my first priority is to move fulfilment centre, get more organized, and take action on a few things that I feel like I've been missing in my business…


Like not from a conventional perspective where “in order for you to look like a successful or legitimate business, you'll need to have x, y and z…”

Though I do fall down that rabbit hole of toxic comparison sometimes. I am Kim, Lost in Hustleland…


One thing when it comes to shipping & delivering my decks to their future homes that I feel is missing is that feeling of love, surprise and joy when you see a package of Fables Den at your door or in your mail box. 


I really want to create a magical experience for anyone who “adopts” a deck from my store. When I was manually packing and shipping everything by myself - I would put a cute panda sticker at the box, include one or more aesthetic or tarot-themed postcards, cushion everything with brown craft paper, and sprinkle pompoms on top of the packaged decks before sending them out. 


I know many of you love shopping indie and small businesses precisely for this reason! Your orders are often packed with a lot more heart 💖 and it's true. This was the one thing I sacrificed when I switched to a third party fulfilment centre. Though it freed up a lot of room in my energy, mental health and space-time, it left a longing in my heart. 


It took me a big ass circle to learn that creating a magical experience for the people that buy from me and choose to support my creative endeavors…is actually on of my core values and what makes me, me and what makes Fables Den, Fables Den. I intend to action on that and bring more magic into the way my decks are sent out into the world. 


And yes, I'm still using a fulfilment centre…I really can't go back to the days where I pack every single order and ship them out by myself - on top of EVERYTHING ELSE that I do myself for my business! #burnouttown


However, I am definitely going to honor my true vision for Fables Den and what I am seeking to create for myself and others: magic ✨ As such, I am going to embrace the process of simplification & automation and hiring a third party to help me fulfill + ship out my orders. 


I'm also going to inject more heart into designing a packaging process that still creates a sense of joy and wonder as soon as you receive it. I want to find a balance between practicalities (e.g. streamlining my business and using protective packaging to ensure the decks arrived “unharmed”) as well as magic (e.g. packaging, heartful postcards, stickers and other things that will connect you to the spirit of Fables Den)


Honestly, having a custom bubble mailer with Fables Den colors and perhaps…cute panda faces on it will be a dream come true. I'm still looking into the logistical factors to see what is the best + cost-effective way to get this done!  





Forgotten Places - a tarot spread for remembering 🍂🐭


Spread Machine Cards + Oracle Shipping Updates for Kickstarter Pledges & Pre-orders